

Koster Welcomes Martin to AG Race

January 26 2012


St. Louis, MO - The following is a statement from Attorney General Chris Koster on Ed Martin's entrance into the Attorney General's race.

"I welcome Ed Martin to the race and look forward to a public discussion about the direction of our state. In 2008, Missourians embraced our campaign because they understood the importance of having an Attorney General who was a prosecutor, one who has personally stood in the courtroom and convicted many of Missouri's most notorious criminals.  In 2012, I'm confident they will do so again."



Attorney General Koster offers tips for safe online holiday shopping

December 13 2011

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster said today that as more and more people are turning to the Internet to do their holiday shopping in addition to malls and local retail outlets, his office has compiled suggestions to help make sure you don’t become a victim of computer fraud or identity theft.
“Many consumers are logging on to their computers to take advantage of the multitude of products and services that are marketed and sold online,” Koster said.  “Our office has put together some suggestions to help ensure your shopping transactions are safe and that you don’t become a victim of fraud or identity theft.”

  • Update your computer’s anti-virus software - One of the threats in online shopping is acquiring virus and malware from unscrupulous websites.  Make sure your computer's anti-virus software is updated to ensure that it screens all modern viruses that may be obtained from some websites.
  • Use websites with URLs starting with “https://” - This indicates the website has a secured connection, which is critical when you are entering credit card and other personal information.
  • Use a secured online payment system - Paypal is an example of a secured online payment system that can ensure safety in doing transactions on the web.  Using a secured payment system, you will no longer have to worry about credit card security and other hidden charges that can be incurred through scams.
  • Use highly secured passwords - Some people may try to gain access to your online accounts based on the information you give.  Some people use birthdays or other information as passwords for easy recall.  Make sure you use highly secured passwords (a combination of letters, numbers, and characters is best) in your accounts to prevent hacking.
  • Keep copies of receipts, confirmation numbers, and delivery status - This information is vital in keeping track of your transactions.  Make sure that you have proof of all your purchases.


Attorney General Koster asks legislature to consider strengthening Missouri’s mandatory reporting for child sexual abuse

November 15 2011

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster today is asking the Missouri General Assembly to consider requiring any person who witnesses sexual abuse of a child to immediately report the evidence to law enforcement.  Currently under Missouri law, only members of certain professions, including teachers, physicians and clergy, or those with responsibility for the care of children, are required to report child sexual abuse.
“The recent incidents at Penn State highlight the disparities across the country in the manner in which state laws handle reporting sexual abuse of children,” Koster said.
“If a citizen walks in on the sexual abuse of a child, his duty as a citizen should be clear.  We are all mandatory reporters.  When it comes to protecting children, passing the buck should not be an option in our state.”
Koster said that as of April 2010, 18 states require all individuals to report the suspected abuse or neglect of children, according to a report released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Those states are: Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wyoming had laws.   Koster asks the Missouri legislature to consider adding Missouri to this list.
Koster urges individuals who suspect abuse of a child to report their concerns to the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-392-3738.   
Following are links to Missouri law related to the reporting of child abuse:
Violation of the law is a Class A misdemeanor.

Attorney General Koster obtains judgment against Schuyler County breeding facility owner

October 28 2011

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster said today that the Schuyler County Circuit Court has entered a consent judgment against Cynthia Stump for violations of the Animal Care Facilities Act.

Koster said Stump owns Stump Farms Puppies, a commercial breeder facility located in Lancaster.  Stump was first issued a license to operate her facility in 1997.  When the license expired, she continued to sell dogs through her website.  In 2010, Ms. Stump failed to comply with tax compliance requirements necessary to maintain her license.  She did not apply for a license in 2001 and continued to operate her dog breeding facility without a license until the State compelled her to obtain a license under the consent judgment.

Koster said according to the terms of the judgment, Stump will pay the state the $1,000 maximum civil penalty for her failure to maintain a valid ACFA license.  In addition, Stump must comply with the Animal Care Facilities Act (ACFA) and the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act (CCPA) at all times in the future.  Should Stump fail to comply with the ACFA or the CCPA within the next two years, the court will assess penalties for each day of each violation of $100 per day up to 30 days; $250 per day for 31 to 60 days; and $500 per day beyond 60 days.

Koster, in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture, has made cracking down on illegal dog breeders and sellers a priority in his office. The lawsuit marks the fourth case in which Koster is able to use the force and effect of the CCPA, sometimes called the Missouri Solution, which was approved by the Missouri legislature and signed into law by Governor Jay Nixon on April 27, 2011. 

The CCPA, the result of an agreement between the Missouri Department of Agriculture, commercial dog breeding and farming interests, and Missouri-based animal welfare organizations, strengthens standards for veterinary care and living conditions for dogs in commercial breeding facilities. The Act also gives the Attorney General’s Office the authority to file criminal charges for “canine cruelty,” the authority to seek civil penalties for offenders, and to seek enhanced penalties for repeat offenders.

“We have an obligation to protect the wellbeing of animals, and Missouri has recognized that obligation by passing laws outlining acceptable standards for pet breeders and commercial pet dealers,” Koster said.  “This office will diligently continue to see that those laws are enforced.”

Attorney General Koster obtains judgment against Joplin landlord for taking unfair advantage of tornado victims

October 11 2011

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster said today he has obtained a consent judgment against a Joplin landlord for alleged price gouging and other violations in the aftermath of the May 22 Joplin tornado.

Koster said David Box, Jr., rents out apartments at Northside Apartments and Classic Townhouses. Following the May 22 tornado, Box notified tenants that their rent was being raised and required that they contact him within three days or their rental unit could be leased to someone else.

Koster said his office received complaints from 13 renters who had received the notice from Box. In one instance, a renter was notified his rent would go from $475 per month to $595 per month, a 25 percent increase. Two other renters were notified their rent would go from $475 to $550 per month, a 16 percent increase.

“Unfortunately, there are always those who will take advantage of unsuspecting consumers during times of tragedy,” Koster said, “I want to continue to assure consumers that this office will be aggressive in going after those who engage in this illegal behavior.”

Koster said that under the judgment, Box is prohibited from:

  • further violations of Missouri’s Merchandising Practices Law;
  • conducting business under any name not registered with the Missouri Secretary of State;
  • employing duress in raising rent;
  • providing tenants with less than 30 days’ notice of any rent increase;
  • requiring renters to make a decision on an increase in their rent within less than 7 days of the notice;
  • charging an excessive price for a necessity within a disaster area; and
  • taking advantage of the renters’ hardship by charging substantially above market price.

In addition, Koster said Box is ordered to provide restitution to those harmed by his actions and send them a letter of apology for using duress in a time of tragedy, and to pay a $5,000 civil penalty and all court costs. Should Box violate any terms of the judgment, he will be assessed an additional $5,000 penalty.

Attorney General Koster obtains judgment against Georgia man in Joplin tornado charity fraud case

October 07 2011

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster said today the Jasper County Circuit Court has granted his motion for default judgment against Steve Blood, of Georgia, for fraudulently soliciting donations through the internet to help victims of the May 22 Joplin tornado.

“Unfortunately, there are always those who will take advantage of unsuspecting consumers during times of tragedy,” Koster said, “Protecting the citizens of Joplin is this office’s number one goal, and we will be aggressive in going after those who engage in charity scams or other fraudulent behavior affecting Joplin’s recovery.”

Koster said Blood ran an internet radio business, Georgia Triangle Broadcasting, through three websites. Through the websites, Blood claimed to help victims of the Joplin and Tuscaloosa tornados by selling “Storm-Aid” t-shirts, setting up benefit concerts and offering concert sponsorships for sale, and providing an option to donate to Storm Relief efforts. Anyone who bought a t-shirt, concert ticket or sponsorship, or made a donation, was required use the PayPal link on the websites. None of the money Blood collected was used to help tornado victims, but rather, was used for Blood’s personal expenses.

Koster said under the court order, Blood is:

  • required to pay restitution to those harmed by his solicitations and pay a penalty to the state amounting to 10% of that restitution;
  • required to pay $13,000 in civil penalties;
  • required to pay $10,400 attorneys’ costs, as well as court costs and investigation/prosecution costs;
  • prohibited from soliciting for disaster relief or any other similar cause; and
  • prohibited from using any online media, including social media, to engage in conduct prohibited by the court.

Attorney General Koster sues Jefferson County business for clean water violations

September 26 2011

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster has filed a lawsuit in Jefferson County against a business that owns a wastewater treatment facility alleging nine counts of violations of Missouri’s Clean Water Law.

Koster said Medley Hill Terrace Realty and Development Company in Jefferson County owns and previously operated a single-cell lagoon wastewater treatment system that served Lake Tamarack Subdivision in High Ridge. The company’s permit expired in 1998, and no application for renewal has been submitted. In 2010, the wastewater from the subdivision was diverted to a permitted treatment facility, but Medley Hill’s treatment facility continues to sit idle as it pollutes the state’s waters. When it rains, sludge and wastewater contaminants flow over the lagoon’s failing berms and contaminate the tributary to Sand Creek. Subdivision residents have complained of reeking odors emanating from the lagoon.

Koster’s lawsuit is filed against the company and its president, Rose Ficken, as well as landowners Eunice Jones, Bernadine R. Thomas and Diane H. Duke.

In addition, Department of Natural Resources inspections found that the company violated clean water regulations by:

  • exceeding permit limitations for Fecal Coliform , pH levels, and Biochemical Oxygen Demand;

  • failing to submit a closure plan to DNR to close the wastewater treatment facility;

  • removing the fence that formerly protected the treatment plant from children and pests;

  • operating without a permit and failing to apply for a renewal permit;

  • failing to submit quarterly discharge monitoring reports; and

  • failing to pay the annual permit fees for the treatment plant since 2000, currently totaling at least $42,000.

“Missourians have a right to expect that waste systems are operated in compliance with the law so they won’t pollute our water,” Koster said. “Our office will not look the other way when businesses fail to comply with the law.”

Koster is asking the court to issue a permanent injunction requiring the defendant to comply with the Clean Water Law; to deal immediately with the foul odor emitted by the lagoon; to assess a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 per day for each violation of the Clean Water Law; to assess permit fees, penalties and interest; and to require payment of all costs associated with the case.

Koster Kicks Off Reelection Bid

September 23 2011

Standing with Party leaders, colleagues and announces he will run again

Kansas City, MO – Alongside a host of his colleagues, friends and members of the business and labor communities, Attorney General Chris Koster last night announced he is running for a second term.

“For nearly three years, I’ve had the privilege of serving the people of Missouri.  I have tried to stand up for the values we share: an absolute commitment to law enforcement, to protecting consumers, and conserving Missouri’s environment,” said Koster, at the home of Jackson County Democratic Party Chairman Steve Bough. “It’s been a job I am proud of and one I look forward to continuing.”

“Our office has consistently produced results.  We are currently prosecuting more than 50 homicides across our state with a team of Missouri’s most experienced prosecuting attorneys.  We have recovered more than $100 million dollars stolen from Missouri’s Medicaid system.  When the news cameras packed up and left Joplin, we remained hard at work— protecting against scam artists of every stripe.  We fought the federal government on the breach of the Birds Point Levee in southeast Missouri, and we faced down the auto warrantee industry when they ripped off consumers in a series of unprecedented insurance scandals.  From white collar crime to animal cruelty to domestic violence, we have raised the bar for what the law can do to protect our citizens,” said Koster.

Guests at Party Chairman Steve Bough’s home included State Party Chair Susan Montee; County Executive Mike Sanders; Sheriff Mike Sharp; State Senator Jolie Justus; State Representative Jason Kander, County Legislator Theresa Garaza Ruiz; Kansas City Mayor Pro Tem Cindy Circo; Kansas City Councilmembers Jim Glover, Jan Marcason, Scott Wagner; 
The Jackson County Democratic Committee.


Attorney General Koster obtains injunction against Pennsylvania telemarketing company

September 13 2011

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster said today that Pennsylvania resident Jesse Levine and his company, Internet Technology Partnerships, Inc., have consented to a preliminary injunction prohibiting them from calling Missourians on the state No Call list.

Koster said Levine and Internet Technology Partnerships, Inc., is alleged to have solicited consumers who had used the drug Avandia and had suffered side effects from its use, in violation of the state No-Call registration.

The preliminary injunction is not an admission of liability, but only prohibits the Defendants from marketing in Missouri in violation of the telemarketing laws. A final ruling regarding their liability has not yet been made. The Attorney General’s Office last month filed a lawsuit against the business in the Circuit Court for the City of St. Louis.

“Missouri's No-Call law is clear, and businesses should understand that we will stop them if they ignore the law,” Koster said. “The Attorney General's office will continue to aggressively pursue telemarketers who ignore our laws and continue to make prohibited calls.”

Koster reminds Missourians they can sign up for the Do-Not-Call hotline on his website at or by calling 1-866-buzzoff (1-866-289-9633). He encourages consumers who receive harassing solicitation calls to file a complaint at 1-866-662-2551.

Attorney General Koster takes action against Ray County dog breeder

August 29 2011

Jefferson City, Mo. – Attorney General Chris Koster, in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Agriculture, has filed a lawsuit against Jeannine Julian of Richmond for violations of the Animal Care Facilities Act and the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act.

Koster said Julian owns JJ Kennel, a commercial breeder facility located in Richmond. Missouri Department of Agriculture inspections uncovered numerous violations of the law, including that Julian:

  • repeatedly refused to allow Department of Agriculture inspections of her breeding facility;
  • failed to provide adequate veterinary care to animals who were in obvious medical distress;
  • failed to provide housing that protected the animals from injury;
  • failed to ensure that interior surfaces were free of excessive rust and that kennel doors were properly maintained;
  • failed to maintain adequate lighting, leaving some dogs in complete darkness;
  • failed to prevent excessive accumulation of feces and food waste in the primary housing enclosures and to provide uncontaminated, wholesome food to the dogs;
  • failed to have adequate employees to carry out the required level of husbandry practices, resulting in excessive feces throughout the outdoor runs; and
  • failed to pay a $100 reinspection fee required in the case of repeat violations of the ACFA.

Koster is asking the court to issue injunctions and a temporary restraining order prohibiting Julian from any further violations of the Animal Care Facilities Act or the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act and from conducting any commercial breeding activity until further order of the court; assess a $100 ACFA license reinspection fee; assess a civil penalty of up to $1,000 per violation of the Animal Care Facilities Act; and pay court costs.

The lawsuit marks the third case in which Koster is able to use the force and effect of the Canine Cruelty Prevention Act, sometimes called the Missouri Solution, which was approved by the Missouri legislature and signed into law by Governor Jay Nixon on April 27, 2011. The Act, the result of an agreement between the Missouri Department of Agriculture, commercial dog breeding and farming interests, and Missouri-based animal welfare organizations, strengthens standards for veterinary care and living conditions for dogs in commercial breeding facilities. The Act also gives the Attorney General’s Office the authority to file criminal charges for “canine cruelty,” the authority to seek civil penalties for offenders, and to seek enhanced penalties for repeat offenders.

“We have an obligation to protect the wellbeing of animals, and Missouri has recognized that obligation by passing laws outlining acceptable standards for pet breeders and commercial pet dealers,” Koster said. “This office will diligently continue to see that those laws are enforced.”

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